2012 Tomato Trot

It’s that time of year again.

The annual Tomato Trot, starting and finishing at East London’s top adventure school, Lilyfontein, is here again.

Just because the 15km run is a recognized Border event, it doesn’t mean the Tomato Trot is only a race. Far from it, the Tomato trot is a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon/evening.

There is a 15km cycle race, a 15km Run, a 15km Walk, a 5km Fun Run/walk/cycle/pram-push, and my personal favourite, a Beer Tent.

There are prizes for the winners in the various categories, and there also loads of Lucky Draw Prizes. This year TnT (Terry and I), have donated a Free-for-a-Year WordPress website as a Lucky draw Prize. So, if you want or need a website, you need to enter one of the Tomato Trot events to stand a chance. If you don’t win the site, well, just call us. Our prices are that reasonable that you don’t actually need to win the site to be able to afford a website (you don’t even need to live in East London – we have clients all over the world!).

Enough of that, the Race now.

On Saturday 4 February 2012, at 3pm, the fun Starts, with the start of the 15km Cycle Race. The other starting times are further down on the page.

Apart from the Beer Tent, my Tomato Trot interests are the 5km unFun Run. UnFun ‘cos that’s what I do. I go out there and get around the course as quickly as I can run/walk/hobble/crawl, with loads of moaning. I moan to keep myself busy. I enjoy the run, but only before and after, not during.

My other main Tomato trot interest is the weather. I read somewhere that top athletes are able to predict their finishing times according t the weather. I don’t bother with predicting times because they’re generally too long, but I do like checking the weather, only because I have to be out there in it.

At ten minutes past four, on the afternoon of the 4th of February 2012 I will be adding to the mad frenzy at the start of the 5km Tomato Trot unFun Run. The weather will have cooled a bit from the predicted maximum of 26 degrees C, but not by noticeably much. It will be pretty humid, which means lots of sweating (Tip: Drink LOTS (Tip Tip: of water)).

The chances of rain are pretty good around that time of day, and the wind will be fairly strong but if the direction is accurate, East-North-East, it won’t bother the 5km entrants. The 15km entrants will have isolated areas of head-winds, but will mostly be having the wind from either side or behind.
There are maps below to give you an indication of the routes. The maps are from Uncle Google, hope he doesn’t mind me using them…

The bottom line here, for a Saturday of great family fun, doing something together, as a family, The Tomato Trot must be on your list of things to do. You can enter at the school, before the race.

Starting Times:

15km cycle – 15:00
15km walkers – 15:30
15km runners – 16:00
(Runners/walkers doing the 15km race must be 16 years or older on race day)
5km fun run – 16:10

To Find Lilyfontein School:

View Larger Map

The 15km Race for Runners and Walkers:

The 5km Fun Run:


  1. Hi Tony,
    Do you have the results of the 2012 races? or do you know where to get them ?
    Thanks and regards,

  2. Hi Joao, thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Unfortunately I don't have the results of any of the races myself, however, you can get the results here: http://lilyfontein.co.za/images/pdf/15kmresults.pdf

    You may have to copy the link into your browser, alternately, go to the Lilyfontein School website, and navigate from there.

    I salute all you 15km heroes, Walkers and Runners...


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