I thought of something...

I was in the kitchen a few minutes ago, and had a thought. It does happen from time to time, and no, it doesn't always hurt. Only when I breathe.

The thought was something along the lines of: "Mom always called Dad Manny". This started a process second to none in my poor mind. probably because process is virtually impossible in a vacuum.

Or so I've been told.

What do people call other people if not using the other person's name as it would appear on their ID Document?

I call Terry Noenoes. Dunno what the hell a Noenoes is, but Terry is one.

She calls me a shit. Well, not exactly, I'm her po*pholpie!

When Gilly, our jack russell is cute, she is a munchy munchkin. When in front of her best friend the heater, she is a slut!

Her parents call each other Buck.

My dad always called my mom Tits.

As far back as I can remember my brother's girlfriends and wives' pet name has been Spook.

Taxi drivers are generally MothaF**ker!

What pet names do you use? Or have you heard being used?


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