Solving unemployment problems, from the GO!Express

Some time ago, well, about a month ago, Peter Martin came a-visiting.

We had met with him a while back, and he asked if we would mind his doing a little article about us, not for a mainstream newspaper, but for East London's own little freebie paper, the GO!Express.

Of course we said yes, as any exposure is good exposure. The result of the interview can be seen here.

So yeah, we were a tad miff that we weren't on the first page. But then, busting illegal liquor outlets is socially more moral than a businessy type write up. Page 4 or 5 would have worked too, but Peter van Kets, the greatest thing to come from East London since the coelecanth was there. What he was doing on pg 4 is beyond me, he should have been on the cover.

We were close-ish to the back-ish of the paper, but so what? We made it there, and we hope the article will inspire at least one person to make a positive move in the right direction.

You can if you want to, but first, you have to want to.

Thanks to Sven Herselmann, the editor at the Go!Express, and to Peter Martin.


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