Website design scope.

Website design scope.

An alternative heading could be: Clients who will not read!

A large problem with not only us, but with most website designers, are clients who either will not, do not, or cannot read.

We offer a service to clients that when designing a custom site, we offer several templates for them to choose from. Once the template is chosen, we offer our clients three rounds of alterations, and when the site is live, another week in which to finalise and fix other little niggles.

We feel this is particularly generous, as most problems are sorted out at template stage. However, there are still those clients who think that a round of alterations ends when they say so. What the client does not understand is that to alter a background colour by a simple nuance of a shade involves opening a minimum of two files, and a browser. This takes time. And then of course my idea of a slightly lighter tangerine shade may look like like dark peach to the client, which adds more confusion.

We do go out of our way to ensure our clients get what they want, but we, as does any other person in the design field, expect a degree of responsibility from the client.

To the client:
  1. We do not read minds
  2. We do not see the same colours you do. Find, and send a color sample.
  3. Move left just a touch, is that 1cm, 1mm, or 1pixel?
  4. You run your business, you know it, and I will never tell you how to do it. 
  5. Just because you won a bronze in Gr3 for your picture of a moon does not mean you understand the complexities of layout and design
  6. Yours is not the only job I am busy with. I divide my time equally between my clients. I do not work on more than I can handle. Don't you have more than 1 client right now?
  7. Please read my e-mails when you get them, NOT only when I remind you of what I said in it 3 weeks later.
  8. If you have a specific design idea in mind, draw it for me. Don't try to explain it, I am blonde.
 Of course, this list could be longer, but the bottom line really, is that we cannot, and you cannot expect us to, keep altering your design because your cousin's nephew's girlfriend says the website doesn't suit her toe nail color.

Quantify, and be specific.

Send your family to your test site (that we host for you, free of charge) before the site goes live.

Have a brilliant day!


  1. I'm going to run away and hide now, you're such a grumpy designer! LOL! Kidding! Great post, Tony, that I'm sure many designers out there will agree with.


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