Those were the days.. or so says Mary Hopkins


Just done an article for one of our other blogs, and got caught up in music.

Not just any old music, but that really great music that took me from childhood through to adulthood.

This gave me some food for thought, and so, for myself, and for everyone from my era, I'm going to take us all on a nostalgic trip, from the late '60's through to the mid '80's

I'm going to find the top songs of that year, see if I can get the lyrics, and hopefully, for the older songs especially, try to find a place we can go to see, listen and experience the great days in our lives.

If there is something you're looking for in particular, let me know, I'll see if I can find it.

And yes, if it's something that brings back memories, give us the story behind it, and I'll tribute that post as a single posting to the person(s) concerned.

As the great David Gresham used to tell us, "keep your feet on the ground, and reach for the stars!"


  1. Yeah, lol, you certainly did get caught up in the music - your feet were tapping and you could hardly keep still on your chair. It was nice to see though, and I'm pleased you had a great time remembering some of your favourite songs - and the good times that went with them.


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