Wordpress. Step by step for beginners, part 3

This evening I'm going to tell you how to go about changing your password in Wordpress.

I have no idea how other website hosts, or website designers do it, but this is how TnT Unleashed do it.

After loading the Wordpress website, during which we use our e-mail address, we get an e-mail, generated from within the system, with our username and password.

The password generated by Wordpress is an ugly thing, and no normal person can be expected to remember it. What we do is, we log in using the generated info.

A grungy redddy pinky message at the top of the control panel, just above "Dashboard", suggets you go change your password.

It even provides you with a link to click on that will take you the right page!
When you land on the page, you need to scroll down quite a way, as the password change section is very close to the bottom.

If at a later stage you need to alter the password, on the left of your screen, find the "Users" tab. Click on it. This will take you to a users list.

Let your cursor hover just below the user name, and a little red "edit" appears. Click it. This will take you to your profile page, and you can change your password.

This, for some reason, is a step that eludes many people, and is, in our opinion, extremely important, for website security reasons.

It is also an easy introduction to the Wordpress dashboard.

As website designers and website domain hosts, we are serious about the security of our clients websites, and safe passwords are the first step in website security.

Wordpress is loaded with 2 default themes. Are you, as a new Wordpress user, aware of how many Wordpress themes there are? At the time of writing, there are 1193 themes available, for FREE, on the Wordpress website. There are many thousands of other themes available, also free. That is what tomorrow is about. Theming your Wordpress website.

Till then, keep your domain name bubbling around, and start visualizing your new Wordpress website.

The full, growing list of Wordpress, step by step for beginners, tutorials is here


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